Choose a category by clicking on the top of the page to shop and place an order.
Click on the item you're wanting to order and select the color, size and quantity.
Add items to your shopping cart by clicking "Add to Cart."
To review your items and check out, click on the cart icon in the top right hand corner.
Click "Checkout" once all items have been added for the order.
You may change your default shipping address by clicking on the pencil in the corner of the shipping address box. Then, choose your payment method. If paying with a card, input correct payment information. Review your order and click the "Submit Order" button to complete the order.
If using a discount option click on the box to indicate which discount you want to apply, such as PROPS Dollars. Uncheck any discounts you do not want to apply to your purchase. If you need to use an additional payment method, then select from the choices that appear in the Payment Method section of the page.